Anyway - you come up with a clever saying, verse, poem, word, quote, whatever you think makes this image even more clever. On Friday a winner will be chosen and presented with a soldered pendant on a 24" chain.
Meanwhile, we've had about 6" of rain this weekend and will soon be changing my business name to Two Dog Gulf....don't tell BP
Meanwhile, we've had about 6" of rain this weekend and will soon be changing my business name to Two Dog Gulf....don't tell BP
And if it would quit raining, I'd be able to check the rain gauges. We're going to have mosquitoes as big as the woodpeckers!
It's party time girls...show those ankles!
Time is a great healer, but a poor beautician.
-Lucille Harper
OOh, I like the Lucille Harper quote . . .
"It's time to raise these hems!"
No time like the present
Counting down the seconds until we can dance together again
We each just enjoyed our fifteen minutes of fame.
On time is when we get there!
Ready to dance and party....don't be late!
Ladies in waiting....
There's a time and a place for everything.
sorry, one more
For a limited time only.....
It's about time!
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
Don’t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.
Make time for your girlfriends!
They remind me of desperate wall flowers~!
Okay, here goes:
Nearly midnight and just warming up.
It's always time for new shoes
I should have been born when ankles were sexy
Hold on to precious times
Time and friends are both precious
Happiness is... snarky friends and time to enjoy them
no "time" like the present
Only time will tell
Time for a swift kick in the arse!
Cinderella's stepsisters
Time is of the essence.
One moment in time.
Make a timely entrance.
Time to step it up!
ooooooo...one more....
Flavor Flave, eat your heart out!
In good times, In bad times, I'll be by your side forever more. (That's what friedns are for......)
The bewitching hour is near....time to shake what your mamma gave you!
Come on ladies...do the hustle (hearing the song in my head....)
You put your right foot in...
And tonight we're gonna party like it's 1899!
They knew it was time for dinner by Winnie's inner clock.
It may be 5 o'clock somewhere, but I say we start right now!
Skirts down girls. We don't open until 12:00.
One more dance before curfew girls!
The boys are coming at 12:00. Are our shoes on the right feet?
Show starts at 12. Let's practice our dance steps.
I laughed out load at the Flava Flav one and Winnie's internal clock- can't top those two!
Times a wastin'. Whatcha' waitin' for?
Ahead of their time
"Gentlemen, our biological clocks are tick, tick, ticking."
darn TLee...I just had the biological clock idea...hehehe!
Jen :), can't believe it wasn't one of the first ones I thought of.
seems to fit it :)
i'm sure there more bilogical clock one liners to be thought of
Tick Tock, Tick Tock (impatient tapping of feet)
Do you hear our clocks?
"the best time to make friends is before you need them."
~~~ethel barrymore
"check out the hottie at 11:45"
"even a clock that doesn't work is right twice a day."
Wow! You're going to have a helluva TIME picking a winner this week--so many great ideas!!!
Lee = good ones :)
It's before midnight-can we try on the glass slipper?
YIKES! I am having a really hard time choosing this morning!!! hang on ladies -
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