Last week when I was without any of my soldering irons, I decided it was time to learn to drill through glass. I had ordered some tiny diamond bit drill bits before I went on vacation, so I got those out. I grabbed a spare dog bowl and a piece of scrap wood and a bottle of water and went to it. That's all I'll say about that since my husband works for the power company and we all know that drills and water don't mix.... BUT - look at the results! I love the new style of "Drink It*Break It*Wear It" earrings made from upcycled wine bottles! I've been wearing mine to test drive them and they are fabulous! (shameless self promotion)
I also finished up some of these fine silver weeping willow leaf earrings:
valentine's day relationship astrology | soul contracts, karmic debts |
part I - blake and ryan - trump and musk - catherine and william - taylor
and travis
Let's try something new for Valentine's Day as the Moon trines Uranus.
Synastry is the art of relationship astrology. We take one person's chart,
1 hour ago