This week's Two Dog Pond Necklace Contest features a girl and her geese. Adorable. This is in celebration of the fact that the Geese are flying North! Yahoo - that means it's getting closer to Spring. Anyway - make a comment here as to what you believe would make a great backside quote or comment or saying for this image. On Friday a winner will be chosen and awarded with a soldered glass pendant hanging on a 24" chain. There are complete 'rules' listed off the the side. Thank you, and now - go make stuff.
the astrology of the New Jersey drone phenomenon - this jersey girl looks
up and sees trouble ahead - the way we see the world needs to change, maybe
it's time we all look up
I wrote this post back on December 22nd, but, somehow with the holidays,
and my swiss-cheesy memory, never put it up.
A friend reminded me of this rec...
1 day ago
or: Lucy Goosey
Hangin with my peeps
Yummy! Toes!
You quack me up
waddle you looking at
"Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...But found geese instead."
or another nursery rhyme
"Goosey, Goosey, Gander
Whither shall I wander?"
Little bo peeps my sister.
I law down the law in this family.
Oh. My. Goodness. This is adorable!!
Okay, I know I won the Goddess of Confidence and have no right to play this round, but I just had to comment and say WOW is that cute!
I might just put a few in just for the fun of it!! It's one of my Monday Highlights :o)
Gretel dropped geese, but they kept following.
Beautiful Swan
Born to go Barefoot
Not all princesses wear crowns
Naturally Beautiful
Can't take the country out of the girl!
Guardian of the Gaggle
before Google there was Gaggle
Gretchen Googled Gaggle & Got Geese
got geese?
got gaggle?
Gentle spirit
Born to Lead
The Goose Whisperer
A Beautiful SWAN amongst a few Ugly DUCKS
"Stick" with me.
"Stick" together like birds of a feather.
You know where you can "stick" it, right?!
Queen of the pecking order
Peaceable Kingdom
Gander Landing
Honka-Honka Burning Love
Off on the ultimate adventure
Being a princess isn't all it's "quacked" up to be.
I got goose bumps...
Yes, you caught us in a game of duck, duck, goose...
...just looking for the golden egg
Don't ruffle my feathers!
Little Bo and her peeps.
Honk if you like ducks.
Leaders can't choose their followers.
They just followed me home..Can I keep them?
Nothing happens unless first we dream.
Joy is not in things, it is in us.
This girl rules the roost!
"Walk softly, and carry a big stick." ~Theodore Roosevelt
Just use your God given gifts
We ALL have a calling. Will YOU answer yours?
"Silly Goose! Girls like the outdoors, too!"
"Oh Please! Gaggle me with a stick!
Heidi meets Bo Peep.
Mind the toes.
Such A Fowl Little Girl!
Daughter Goose.
More geese than you can shake a stick at!
Geese and I both like shiny objects.
Go ahead, goose me.
where's the one that got away??
American Goosethic
I've been on a wild goose chase!
Tell me again how you get vodka from grey geese! do i really need a stick?"
walk softly and carry a big stick
I look sweet, but I know how to use a stick.
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