the astrology of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo | March 14th, 2025 -
first eclipse of 2025, seeing how well we have taken care of the details,
letting go of the need for things to be just so, retiring our inner judge,
liberating closures, all roads lead to the end of march's solar eclipse and
neptune into aries
OK, we have arrived at the first Eclipse of 2025.
This is the first of four Virgo Eclipses over the next couple years.
Eclipses are FATED and bring a...
4 hours ago
That's a gorgeous piece! I really like the way the curvy links offset the rectangles- gives it some softness. Lovely :: lynn
What a neat piece. From a distance in the last photo, the glass pieces look like little coffee mugs joining up in friendship. Or beer mugs lined up on the bar, in friendship.
Love the glass - very colorful & fun!
Just wondering...should I be daughter just bought herself a rock tumbler (she's 12) and wants to make jewelry. She has collected rocks since she could pick them up...just curious if this is the way you started out - now, not that I mind at ALL that my daughter is artistic and might want to become a jewelry maker someday (I'd rather love it) HOWEVER I want to start preparing her father.....he had planned on a well paying, stable job - lol!!
hee hee hee - oh well
And, by the way, our aunts are VERY fun & we love them bunches :) And, we have several airstreams in our backyard everyday - not ours mind you, but they are there! They are the coolest things in the world - someday we'd love to get one and gut it and it would be "The Summer Kichen Girls on the Road" How about that?!!
Have a great day Rachel!
Karla & Karrie
I DID have a rock tumbler as a child, and that is exactly how I tumble my glass now (except now it's just three days in the tumbler with some sand...)
You girls crack me up!
Very fun! You do have a gift indeed.
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