The contest is simple - you choose a saying a quote a word a phrase that you think would be perfect for the back of this image. On Friday a winning suggestion will be chosen. The winner will receive a soldered glass pendant of their suggestion and this image. Perfect to wear the entire month of October - or if you're a stepmother. I colorized her shoes red, in case that inspires you - it's your choice what color shoes she wears....
Complete contest rules are listed on the side somewhere in case you need more direction.
Now - I'm going to solder just to keep warm!
Do you love these shoes or what?!
These pumps are just "wicked" good!
I am just a wee bit wicked ;)
'I'll get you my pretties'
'A girls gotta fly!'
'more miles per gallon'
"If the broom fits...."
Have a great week gal~ t
Off to a flying start!
Dorthy Who?
She just loaned them to me....
Samatha Who?
Witchy Woman
If you think I'm a witch you should see my mother in law(or mother)
Always PUMPED for Halloween!
The angels wanna wear my red shoes
(any Elvis Costello fans out there?)
Broom-Hat-Shoes--Accessories say it all!!
My other car is a minivan
"I'm not a witch, I'm your wife." -The Princess Bride
Abbie O
Don't enter me because I just won one... but I couldn't resist:
Of course all witches wear Husker Red.
Wicked Witch of the Midwest
Even witches can be divas!
Accessories make the outfit work!
Ooooo--to be able to say BRRRRR in September OR October would be heavenly! Although a cold front came through last night, the temp is 75 degrees in New Orleans, and I can guarantee you that some of the natives are seriously considering wearing parkas out the door. Really! Great witchy pic, BTW.
Fright seeing...
Just brushing off the cobwebs ...
Swept away ...
What's your point?
Just a wee bit witchy.
I have my Ways.
You don't even want to know how many tricks I have.
i am boo-tiful!
Going my way?
I wanna take you for a ride on my disco stick
Thrown out of the red hat society!
Pat G.
it sure is hard to fly with heels on.
now for a matching red hat!
I hope they can't see up my dress from down below!
fly me to the moon....
i gourges from my hat to my broom to my heels
radishes for slippers? NO WAY!
I'm not a Witch; I'm your wife.
I know, i know, the hat does not match the oufit.
I prefer this mode of transportation.!
"Witchy woman, see how high you fly!"
love this!!!! Thanks for the opportunity!!!
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