the astrology of the New Moon in Aquarius | January 29th, 2025 - breaking
free from what has been hidden, old gold and opportunities come back
around, dealing with what we know and can't unknow, multiple warnings about
flying too close to the sun and believing our own hype, second chances for
some and karma biting the asses of others
On Wednesday, January 29th, at 7:35AM EST, the Aquarius Moon catches up
with the Aquarius Sun at 9 degrees giving us this month's New Moon - our
annual ...
1 hour ago
put your hands on your rib...bets.
too much?
i can't help it.
{gansta style}
don't make me croak you.
I want to go to art camp with you! (not intended for the necklace...but maybe?)
Art cell internet? I'm there in a heartbeat! I have to think about a caption for the dude.
Navy Seals to the rescue!
Take this Somalia pirates!
Don't worry Captain, we got your back!
Obviously in honor of the latest news....
Go ahead...Make my day!
Eat more Chicken!
No frog legs for dinner for you!!
Your Art Camp week sounds fabulous! Cute image - the first thing I thought of was ...
"This is a toad up"
"I have had it! I am not going to kiss another princess!"
Hop! Or I'll Shoot!
Oww, I'm Croaking!
"I'll call your bluff! Who's going to croak first?"
"Bye Croacky, I think he's got it"
Listen Leggs the time for talk'n is over"
"one shot wonder"
Miss Mouse, will you marry me?
Toadally Ammophibious
"Seriously...I would not hurt a fly"
Shiver me flippers!
You wanna croak?
Frog Giggers Beware
Armed and Dangerous
Nobody's cutting the legs out from under me!
Toad-ally Gun-Ho!
No frog leg soup tonite!!
"Hand over the Fly and nobody gets hurt!"
These are Toadally Hysterical! Great work - and now - I'm off to Art Camp!
Lock and Toad
Stealing a kiss
they DO NOT taste like chicken!
Okay! Kitty's comment is the funniest!!
Froggy's got a gun, He's gone toad-ally undone!
Stop right there!!! I gotta know right now!!!
Meatloaf - can't help myself!!
Robin Wilt
Froggy went a 'courtin...
"Papa always said hop quietly and carry a big gun."
"Small and mighty."
"I may be cold-blooded, but I ain't no killer."
Now I'm stuck on the cold-blooded bit:
"Cold-blooded yet passionate!"
"Cold blood, Hot head."
"Say HELLO to my little friend..."
"Kiss me and no one gets hurt"
"Oui, why don't you parle vu my pistol?" ( ? spelling)
Again, I'm stuck on a theme..
"Who you calling cold blooded?"
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