The Two Dog Pond Necklace Contest for this week is another Valentine themed image. I do think it could be worn all year however, with just the right phrase/comment/quote/word on the back side. That's where you, dear blog reader, come in: just what would be the perfect phrase/comment/quote/word for this image? Ideas are swirling about in your noggin right now, so start leaving them here! On Friday a winning post will be chosen and rewarded with a soldered glass pendant on a 24" chain. Enter as often as you like - the more the merrier!This image comes from an old Valentine Postcard. I did take the words out and clean up the scratches a bit, but can you image receiving this as a Valentine? Yikes.
oh rachel . . . can't wait to see the direction this takes. But I know what I want on MINE!
A couple of love birds spreading their wings....
Flying on the wings of love
Our hearts will fly together forever
Love Birds
Our hearts stick together like birds of a feather
Come with me
My Love
To the sea
The sea of LOVE
As long as we both shall live...
Come fly with me
The best is yet to be
Grow old with me
The best is yet to be
Where you go, I will always follow
Our love will endure eternity
Swallow your pride and love me forever (those are swallows, aren't they??! LOL)
Take my heart and ride the wind!
I just LOVE this image... almost mystical looking
Our nest is feathered with love
Oh buoy, lunar lovebirds are at it again.
Your love keeps me afloat.
Dive and Snap
(Legally Blonde, Bend and Snap adaptation)
Catch and release until you snag the best one for you!
Give away your heart and one loves for day. Teach one to earn a heart and one loves for a lifetime.
(another adaptation of mine)
scatter love randomly
Do everything in love
1 Corinthians 16:14
Love is "tweet"
Love delivers good things
i'll fly away oh darling
Hope floats
The most beautiful view is the one I share with you.
A hundred hearts would be too few, to carry all my love for you (author unknown)
The HOT sign must be on!
(Krispie Kreme)
Swooping down to give you my love.
Swooping down to give you my heart.
:-) Jan
the tiniest birds are brave with love.- adaptation from a george eliot poem
I see everyone is purposely ignoring the face that these are Swallows. (!!!)
Wherever you go, let your heart lead the way.
All swallowed up in your love.
"If you're a bird, I'm a bird" Noah to Allie from the Notebook (movie)
An Irish Blessing:
"May you have love that never ends, and may God send love again and again."
To love is to swallow your pride.
Keeping love afloat
Love is in the air
Two hearts that beat as one
Special Delivery
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