This week's necklace image celebrates (among many other things - like take your pet to work day) The County Fair. The Seward County Fair just ended, but there are many other counties having theirs this week. The contest is simple - even a pig can do it.
Make a comment on what you think would be quite clever for the back side of this image and on Friday a winner will be chosen and rewarded with, not a blue ribbon, but a lovely soldered glass pendant on a 24" chain.
Enter often! Tell your friends! Eat a fried twinkie while you're thinking of clever sayings!
Dad is so proud!
this little piggy didn't go to the market
don't buy a pig in a poke
What's shaken, bacon
My 11 year old was standing behind me as I opened up this weeks image, so I asked him what this picture made him think of... he said "wow, that's just too random". LOL!
'home again, home again, jiggety-jig'
I am an Ag teacher and go to several county fairs. I love seeing the livestock and all the festivities that are held in a small Nebraska town.
"Biggest boar in the world"
"Prized Pig"
"Our Fair is the greatest fair, don't miss it, don't even be late"
(i took some of it from state fair lyrics)
Keep telling yourself:
"I'm a winner, not a wiener!"
"this pig will not fly"
My mom made me wear this...
Hammin' it up
Pork Chops and Applesauce
(sorry, it is just what I thought of, i dont know why)
Living it up high on the hog
That'll do pig, that'll do.....
What a couple of HAMS!!!
Piggin' Out!
Comin' up Roses!
I love this picture..too cute!
"Wee. Wee. Wee!" (all the way home.....
(Have you seen the commercial with the pig in the car? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. It cracks me up!)
Princess Pig looks pretty today
Today is your day Princess Pig
If only I could fly away!
Best of Show!
High SOWciety
This little piggy went to Target!
biggest boar in the world....very funny!! OH - a couple of hams has our vote too. What a riot! All of our friends kids are walkin' their animals this week...our fair is next week. Down at the Ohio state fair the new thing was deep fried buckeyes....ahhhhhh - now we're talkin'!!
We'll try to think of something clever in the meantime.....
OMG!! There are some really good suggestions here! How am I ever going to choose a winner!!!?
I have a couple more
"Men are such pigs"
"You CAN make a silk purse out of a pig's ear!"
"You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig"
I am such a little porker!
"Hog"ing all the attention!
What a "boar"ing life I lead.....
Swine, women and song!
We're running away to join the circus!
I think "This little pig went to Target" is tooo cute :o)
the winner takes it all
these hooves were made for walking.
magic is fun, but how do i turn this pig back into my sister?
i heart ham!
In it to win it!!!!
Charlotte knew the flowers would catch the judge's eye.
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