Hello, fellow travelers! It's Niece Justine reporting from Two Dog Pond. It's my pleasure, as a necklace winner myself, to bring you Necklace Contest - Week Twenty Two. (And just so there's no illusions of favoritism, Rachel didn't know for sure that it was me when I won.) The contest rules are in the right-hand column. And, on a side note, at Two Dog Pong, life really is good! You should come visit Rumple, Reese, all the Mildreds and that wild and crazy rooster. And while you're here be sure to check out all of the gorgeous and clever jewelry!
the astrology of the New Jersey drone phenomenon - this jersey girl looks
up and sees trouble ahead - the way we see the world needs to change, maybe
it's time we all look up
I wrote this post back on December 22nd, but, somehow with the holidays,
and my swiss-cheesy memory, never put it up.
A friend reminded me of this rec...
1 day ago
Up, Up and Away....
Don't look down...
I know I will think of some more!
"The view is always better at the top"
"Aim High...it is worth it"
"Nothing like a little look-see"
"Birds Eye View"
"Don't look down...the real view is up top"
Even if you are hanging by a thread, keep looking up.
Hang in There!
The ride to the top can be scary.
Life is for Thrill Seekers...
No Fear
Hop on board for the ride of your life.
High on Life
Keep hanging on!
Ain´t no mountain high enough!
Climb every mountain...unless you can hitch a ride!
Gone to the Gondola!
Movin' on up!
This family sticks together! No matter what!
Ever onward, Ever upward...
Come Away With Me
This Is Living!
Above The Clouds
Wander & Wonder
Singing this song...
"Up We Go... Into The Wild Blue Yonder..."
″A traveler without observation is a bird without wings.”
- Moslih Eddin Saadi
"Ready for adventure"
"with the heavens, nature, and God"
- Anne Frank
Be above it all...
We only go 'round once
Breathe it in
Take it ALL in
Be a participant, not just a sightseer
"GONDOLA!"... God bless you.
This reminds me of Stone Mountain.
I read more maps than books.
Don't Stop Now.
We think this one is hard!!
How about a different take on this....
Something Grandpa would have said:
"Cable was different for kids back in my day...."
"You'll be seeing great sights!
You'll join the high fliers
who soar to high heights."
- Dr. Seuss
(I love this book sooooo much!)
the sky's the limit
I love travel ones!
" You can't get there from here"
"Take the path less travelled"
"Travel any which way you can"
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