Last week's necklace contest was delayed because I burned up my soldering iron - a new one has arrived, and I love it! I just finished soldering last week's winning pendant - Miss Lorelei said "My mama wore combat boots." (I just realized I spelled Momma differently than Lorelei... hope she doesn't mind!) When I first read this comment, I was too slow to realize it is a great honor to say that... So - here's to the women that serve their country wearing combat boots! And here's to you, Miss Lorelei, for suggesting it! E-mail me with your mailing address and I will get your necklace right out.
Did you notice that Natalie asked if she could buy one? Here's what the back of hers looks like... It's on the way to you, Miss Natalie! Thank you!
Sometimes I pretend I'm being interviewed for a show... Here's the interview that went on in my head today:Them: So Rachel, were you able to come up with some inventory for the 4th of July while your soldering iron was MIA?
Me: Yes. Here's my favorite - it's a bullet bracelet.
Them: Did you shoot the gun those came from? Are you some kind of lunatic member of NRA? Did you kill anything while shooting those bullets? Does the wearer need to be aware of what poor animal lost it's life while you were making this bracelet?
Me: Nothing was killed that didn't need to be. With me shooting a pistol, even the target is safe. My aim sucks. The same is not to be said about me with a rifle, however.
Them: You're a nutjob. What else did you do?
Me: I etched this pendant and made this lovely necklace. It features a Hans Christian Anderson Quote: One must have Sunshine, Freedom and a little flower.Them: Did you shoot at it when you were done?
Me: Shut up.
Me: I also made some lampworked headpins. Nothing spectacular... I just love making them.Them: You know this interview will never air. You're quite boring and ridiculous.
Me: Thank you. Now get out of my head, pin.
Perhaps I really do spend too much time alone in my studio....