Congratulations to TLee for her timely entry of "No time like the present". I chose it because it's very motivating - sort of a "lets go!!!" pendant. Thank you to everyone who played this week - it was a really difficult pendant to choose a winner for because there were so many great entries! What a creative (yet sassy) bunch you are. Thank you!The other pendant "she was ahead of her time" was my entry. I always win. Really it should say "she was an old-fashioned girl and way ahead of her time". I read that in an obituary one time. Isn't that great?
Anyway - Miss TLee - although it's not your first win, and won't be your last (I'm sure!!) would you be so kind as to e-mail me your mailing address?
Chicken Newsflash: this morning when I went to check the chicks there was a shrew (small mouselike animal) sitting on the edge of the box watching the chicks. It was like a cartoon! Then, in an action quite unlike any I've ever committed - I picked it up by the tail and went outside to fling it in the grass but got a bit carried away and threw it straight up in a tree. Meanwhile, Miss Frizzle, Buff Daddy, Hootie, Violet, White Chick, and all the others that haven't been named yet, are doing great. I know you want to know.