The contest rules are simple - come up with the best quote/word/saying for the back side of this image and you will win a necklace! (more complete rules are posted on the sidebar) Fun - tell your friends! The contest ends on Friday when I post a picture of the winning necklace...On you mark, get set, go!
Thelma realizes there's no place like home.
Country Girl sent me here. This photo is a hoot. My caption:
"Oh James darling, I want to kiss you, but you must pin me first."
Country Girl sent me here also! I agree, the photo is a hoot!
"Who said baseball wasn't a contact sport?"
"Scoring twice!"
"Sliding into love"
"Safe and sweet!"
Thanks for letting me play. This has been a fun diversion :)
Wow Vanessa had a lot of good ones! This is a perfect photo with Valentines on the horizon!!
Stealing kisses
Game on
Country Girl sez "hi"!
my quote:
"I sure hope you're safe".
How adorable!! :)
"What a steal"
"Sliding into a kiss"
"What a catch!"
"Who knew baseball was romantic?"
"Now that's what I call second base."
Oh, I love Lisa B's stealing kisses! Too cute.
Country Girl sent me here....
let's see, I'll be wild and crazy and suggest:
"Safe Sex!" ;)
or "You had Me at First Base"
Here is my 2 cents worth:
It is not whether we win or lose but how we play the game.
or this one;
My plate or yours?
What a cute photo!! CG sent me here..
"Safe at First Base!"
"Slide into First Base"
"Your Base or Mine?"
"Catch me if you can!"
shorter version of country girl's
There's no place like home!
OK, seriously, last ones...
Looks like this one is heading out of the park!
Grand Slam!
Country girl sent me....
"Your love is safe with me."
cute image.
I lied...
"Breaking All The Rules"
Country Girl sent me over. How cute a picture that is.
How about "First base just isn't the same anymore"
One more...
"Not your usual Bag Lady!"
"Feelin' Frisky at First Base!"
(Name) has decided that taking up a sport is a good idea after all.
Sheila has found a new appreciation for the value of physical fitness.
or my favorite:
After considering her options, Kathleen decided that baseball was her new favorite sport.
(there are some really good ideas on here already. What a fun idea!)
I knew it was a mistake to play 'Twister' before lunch break !!
"Tag! you're IT."
Hi. Came in via Willow's.
Love is a Contact Sport is my entry, although, I think "Stealing Kisses" is the prize winner!
Sent to your site via Country Girl. Love this idea! Great captions from such clever women!
How about
Major League Kiss!
"this is WHY the girls are not allowed to play on the BOYS team!"
Sent here by Kate :)
Cool photo by the way I love it!
"Squeeze play"
Love this contest and your art!
I would have some ideas:
"Come on, lets play."
"Play sometimes on the safe side of life."
"Safe can also be interesting."
"Take a break: feel the moment."
"Two lovers, one kiss, an everlasting moment"
Thank you.
"our national pasttime"
"the Heart of the Order"
"forget the ballgame, just take me out"
"When I asked you to come home with me, this isn't what I had in mind"
"Triple play"
"Team players"
"Stella didn't know why she felt so safe in his arms"
Ha! You've got some good ones this time. Love this photo!
I like Lisa B's...
Cute image!
Twister ~ the baseball version :-)
"Yes, dear. You ARE in a great scoring position"
Country girl sent me to this fun post. :)
"Diamonds are a girl's best friend"
"One up, one down"
"Good sport"
"Whatta babe"
'Take me out to the ball game.'
Great fun.. thanks!
Oh man, I'm not even going to try... so many GREAT ideas!
My vote (if you're counting) goes to "Stealing Kisses".
" They didn't teach this one in gym class"
" You are so not playing fair"
Hot Corner
She stole home but he stole her heart.
She stole home.
He stole her heart.
(sorry, that's 3 now)
She made it to first base, but he's going for a home run!
Kate sent...
Talk about getting to first base!
P.s. I came over from Kate's site!
Country Girl sent me here...and I can't compete with the wonderful ideas already. Your work is beautiful.
I got another:
"Love on first base"
"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."
~A Cinderella Story
"Just wait until you get home, my dear."
Stolen kisses are always sweetest. ~Leigh Hunt
"Put your right foot in, take your left foot out"
"Take time for paradise." --A. Bartlett Giamatti
I got here from Country Girl as well. Some great ideas here. . .
I have 2 to toss in:
"Safe sex is thrilling too."
And. . .with some thanks to Grandpa's posting today at I suggest
"With you, I've found my home."
"Takin one for the team"
"First is still my favorite base."
These are all great!! I love "Stealing Kisses" and "take on for the Team"
Cute photo! How about:
"For the love of baseball"
"Safe kissing"
"Is is safe to steal a kiss?"
he was happy with making it to 1st base. she on the other hand, was hoping for second.
I love La Ferroce Bete's "stolen kisses".
Okay, I'm officially obsessed with this . . .
"For once, Pudge enjoyed applying the tag."
Found you on Country Girl. Love your site and your work! How about "Out for a good time" or "She's just looking to score"
"Love Hurts"
Hmmm, I think the good ones are already taken, but here's my two cents:
"PE was my best class"
"For the love of the game" REALLY want to do one about "is that a baseball in your pocket...?" but I won't. For shame.
Good Golly, Miss Mollie! Where is your mind?
Rachel you are going to have a tough time choosing a winner on this one!!1They are all so good!!
I of course cannot not think of one!! They all picked the ones I was going to use??!! (wink)
smiles, Joy~
"WOW! If this is what I get on first base...I wonder what's in store for me at home?"
hey! i just realized my comment was never posted :(
it was "3 strikes and you're mine"
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