I have chosen this week's Two Dog Pond Necklace Contest image for two reasons: One - this weekend I picked up a new wholesale account in Grand Lake, Colorado. That's Cowgirl Country. I saw photos of the area, and now I want to go on vacation there. Welcome! Second reason - yesterday my husband and I went to see True Grit. Great Movie. I highly recommend it.Anyway - here's the contest... You make a comment with suggestion(s) for what should be on the backside of this image. It can be a quote, a phrase, a caption, a word, a snake, whatever you think is best - and - that you would want to wear with pride should you be the winner on Friday!
I'm working on my updated website in between filling orders for custom pendants.... many of the winning pendants from these contests will be included on the Two Dog Pond website. It's going to be like my booth at a craft fair: so many pendants and fun things to look at -