Who wouldn't want to wear this cute image as a pendant? To make it yours, just submit a suggestion for what word(s), phrase, quote, etc should be on the back side of the image and check back on Friday and see if you won! Complete 'rules' are posted off to the side>> enter as many times as you would like!
the astrology of march 2025 | part I - Pisces pile up ahead, swimming with
the fishies, heads up for some march madness
And you might be asking yourself if things can get any madder?
Well, let's look ahead a little bit.
(*and how mad you think things are now, at least i...
1 day ago
My Sister...my angel!
Naughty and Nice!
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets her wings. (From a Wonderful Life)
Angels of Peace
-When heart's listen, angels sing.
-Love is how you earn your wings
-A guardian angel keeps watch
Christmas Angels
a song my 3 year is singing from preschool
Tree top angels
Too big for the tree ~ but Angels none the less
All God's angels come to us disguised.
-James Russell Lowell
I'm no angel but I've spread my wings a bit.
-Mae West
Mary F.
Take away all the pretty packaging and you've got Double Trouble!
Things aren't always as they seem....
"Perfect Little Angels"....NOT!
"Love comes down for Christmas". (or for the holidays)
Grant Us Peace, Thy Most Precious Gift
Angel Blessings Always
We'll go the White Christmas route with the "sister song"
"Lord help the Mister...who comes between me and my Sister"
Out catching up with everyone...now off to read what you've been up to :)
Have a great week Rachel!
"Go down little angel girl, and give him your star - tonight he'll light the world"
lyrics from Stevie Wonder's song One Little Christmas Tree
Visions of Sugar Plums
I'm not as perfect as I look
Call us Cupids one more time and I'll whap you with this here bush.
Li'l bit sweet, Li'l bit sassy
I'm not as Sweet as I appear to be
Only remember the good things
Friends Forever!
I'm an angel, honest!
"I've got your back"
--Your Guardian Angel
Thank goodness for my guardian angel!
All is calm, all is bright.
angels we have heard on high
We're all "angels" at Christmastime.
"I'm always with you!"
--Your Guardian Angel
This is such a sweet picture! Happy Holidays to you, Rachel!
anyone can be an angel
we are all angels in waiting
peace be with you
Perfect Angels, inside and out.
We are not bragging. We are just this good.
Be An Angel and......
Be Good or Be Good At It
Hey Rach!
Love my necklace from last week (I can always lean on my sisters) it is going to my best friend in Anchorage who is dealing with a ton of 'stuff' and definitely leaning on her "sisters".
I am not entering this week, but had to see the picture, they are always SO WONDERFUL.
I tell you... it looks like the sweetie on the right is pinching the innocent on the left and the poor kiddo on the left is thinking... "seriously? SHE got the wings?"
Have a great week, stay warm!
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
Richard Purdy Wilbur
An angel watching over me!
Happy holidays!
Hoping angels will bless you often.
Miracles and Blessings......ANGELS
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