Why this image cracks me up, I'm not sure. I think it's the whole "flex one cheek" thing we learned as kids....anyway - to celebrate the end of summer we're going to use this image for the front of a pendant and just need to know what you think best fits the back side. Submit your suggestion of a quote, saying, word or phrase and enter as often as you like. The winner will be chosen on Friday and mailed a soldered glass pendant on a 24" chain.~***~
I am going to make some of these pendants that say "Flex One Cheek" on the back. Probably not big sellers at the Flea Markets, but people might giggle when they read it and that's what I live for.
I like the "flex one cheek" idea, i might have to add that one to my list of necklaces i want of yours!
"You have WHAT in your WHERE?"
PS to Wendy--don't just want the necklaces--BUY the necklaces! They are fabu-licious!!!!!
Don't forget to BREATHE!
Keep Smiling,They'll Never Notice.
Is that your mother over there?
My philosophy of dating is to just fart right away.
Jenny McCarthy
Oh, Nicola, I am laughing again!
Rachel, this is so snarky and perfect it's crazy!
I'm about to pass out from holding my stomach in! Take the damn picture!
John, are you wearing my one piece?
love is the greatest refreshment in life.
remember......me tarzan, you jane
Well heck, I've been trying to win one of these forever. But I have to vote for Nicola's, it's just too darn pricelessly funny!
Chickens: borrowing your line...adding to it...it was funny, too!
Adam: "You look pretty silly sucking it in like that!"
Eve: "Not as silly you look in my one piece, Jerk!"
I'm one of BEAUTIFUL people!
"Try to look natural"
"Keepin' it REAL...NOT!"
All this and he doesn't even notice
Sharks do swim in the shallow waters!
Confuscious Says (maybe?)
"Shallow waters do NOT run deeply"
OH...we are so glad that we stopped by today....the fart quote - toooooo funny!!
I'm sure you're making it by now but have to add that Nicola's fart quote is absolutely hilarious!
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