The official contes rules are posted on the side - but are quite simple: You have all week to come up with a clever word/saying/quote for the back side of this image. Something that you would love to wear, and that will appeal to the masses when I take it to art festivals, trunk shows etc. If your clever suggestion is chosen on Friday as the Best Comment of the Week, I will send you a soldered glass pendant.

My sister just sent me this picture. Did you notice that Mickey Rourke was wearing a soldered glass pendant last night at the Oscars? It was a picture of his beloved dog that passed away this week. How cool is that (necklace, not the dead dog part)? I didn't make that one - but I could have if he would have just asked...I'm pretty sure that he paid more than $10 for his - Hey Mickey, next time call on me!!
It's strange and wonderful life....
It's a mad, mad ,mad world.
Make time in everyday for something a little crazy. (or different could be used)
Left out the 'a' in first one. (I hate that!)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Playing dress up is fun for life.
I'd like you to meet my family.
What costume party?
Some days you have to just go for it!
Different strokes for different folks.....
We are all really not so different from one another.
Birds of a feather
Mickey just knows what is good, huh?! Good eye!
Coolio Trio
Life is full of Drama.
Life is one dramatic and whimsical mistress.
Gypsy Roses
I just noticed they have on ice skates...have nothing to go with it, but I just noticed and what the heck is she holding...a dog?
I just read Leah's blog and she had three words in it that fit here, I think...she inspired this:
The sisters: Positive, Sure and Confident....I never leave home without them.
Three little maids from school.
this is not an entry, just a question... what is in her arms?? flowers? a dog? I can't tell on my screen. it makes a difference!
Fashion Victim
Haute Haute Haute!
God's Greatest gift: Sisters!
What's a girl to do without friends?
Partners in Fashion.
Trend-setting Sisters
Sissy, Jo, and Maude--Forever Friends!
Forever Friends
Sisters in Spirit
Like three peas in a pod!
SISTERS...kindred souls!
Someone call the Fashion Police!
We HAVE to be related!
March to the beat of your own drummer!
Look out Red Carpet...here we come!
Hey Mama K - that's a giant bouquet of dark red roses. Looks like she won the skating contest. I'm pretty sure the other two were held back by their giant tail feathers.
"Partly Strange, Rosemary and Thyme"
"Three Weird Sisters"
"Eccentricity Bonds Us Forever"
Oh...I can see that it is dark red roses now that you said it. I kept seeing a dog and that just CONFUSED me! That title I gve it of GYPSY ROSES is more fitting than I even knew!! LOL
This is a very interesting image.
I think you nailed it as to why the other two did not get the prize...funny.
Long live the 80's!
Harem Scarem!
"What not to wear!"
Girls Night Out
Are sure they wore this at the Oscar's?
T'ain't what you do it's the way that you do it
Trick or treat ?
Love "Harem Scarem"...."Birds of a Feather" is pretty funny too.....hmmmmm we'll get back with you on ours!
Let's skate right through his heart!
Brake the ice....we're all available.
cold as ice for sure
Three for more glee
Three skaters on the ice. One was naughty and one was nice...the other will just suffice!
Great picture Rachel!! I've got to get back in the game on this one....Mmmm....
Fun loving friends are the best!
“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” Coco Chanel
(did someone use that before?)
Maybe I should spin her quote and make it my own...
A woman should be two things...crazy and fabulous!
Gotta go have dinner:) more later...
The blades of glory!
Ice, Ice Baby!
I never noticed that necklace he had on. But I did hear the interview with Barbara Walters prior to the show. That dog was his only friend through all of those troubled times. At times, it seemed that the dog was the only one who loved him.
Oh, I love the Partly Strange, Rosemary and Thyme entry.
Girl Gang
Sista's forever!
We're too sexy for our skates!
I thought of one more!
"And now for something completely different..."
(a la Monty Python! LOL!)
I did see this on him and wondered if you made this for him.
Correction on my entry from yesterday, per my daughter's request...
Rather than "We're too sexy for our skates", let's go with "I'm too sexy for my skates."
If the Olympics were hosted by Dr. Suess.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing Madam Rose and her ice skating circus.
Aspire to be different.
"Accessories R Us"
Like birds of a feather..Friends stick together.
your feathers are ticklin my cheek.
well, your beads are diggin into my arm.
well your harnass is chappin my a...
wha? who said that?
(my word verification is "porchuck". thats funny)
OK, here's my last one, I promise...
Everyone deserve their moment of glory, no matter the cost(ume)!
Ice under foot? We'd rather have it in our drinks!
Original Ice Princesses
Drama Queens
Who's the drama queen?
"The beauty of life, is that you don't have to be mondernly beautiful to live it." ~C.S. Lewis
"In such ugly times, the only true protest is beauty." ~Phil Ochs
"Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless; peacocks and lilies, for example." ~John Ruskin
I love, love this necklace. Good luck to all.
The Original Three Amigos--on ice!!
(P.S. I love your room's new look--good for you!!)
Three is a Magic Number
I never got past the Dressing Up stage.
I saw an interview with Mickey and I guess he was really,really close to that dog.
I bought a soldered necklace at an antique store this past week....it was $10! Had my initial on one side, and a little bird on the other. Really cute!
No ideas for the quote contest this week....the creative juices are just not flowing today! :)
"I like to wear something fabulous on Mondays."
Oh, and that leads me to,
"Costume Fridays."
"Got Bling?"
How about "Who's the fairest of them all?"
smiles, Joy~
"Dress for Success"
"Put me in a cage."
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