It's Monday and that means it's time for a new image for the Two Dog Pond Make a Comment ~ Win a Necklace Contest. I can't remember where I snagged this image, and honestly - all I did was intensify the color... The official contes rules are posted on the side - but are quite simple: You have all week to come up with a clever word/saying/quote for the back side of this image. Something that you would love to wear, and that will appeal to the masses when I take it to art festivals, trunk shows etc. If your clever suggestion is chosen on Friday as the Best Comment of the Week, I will send you a soldered glass pendant.
My sister just sent me this picture. Did you notice that Mickey Rourke was wearing a soldered glass pendant last night at the Oscars? It was a picture of his beloved dog that passed away this week. How cool is that (necklace, not the dead dog part)? I didn't make that one - but I could have if he would have just asked...I'm pretty sure that he paid more than $10 for his - Hey Mickey, next time call on me!!