Anyway - leave a comment here on what you think would make a good caption for this wonderful old postcard image and on Friday a winner will be chosen by whatever group is assembled in the Two Dog Pond Studio/Sweatshop. "What will I win?" you ask... Why its a lovely soldered glass pendant on a 24" ball chain shipped right to your door.
Thanks for stopping by - enter as often as you wish - I live for clever comments.
There is no modesty with skirts and ladders
No peeking!
No, Vertigo is not an Italian dessert.
When jumping off the edge was a threat, not a sport.
Keeping up Appearances.
Postcards From The Edge
Don't Look Down
Sometimes you just have to leap with faith.
THAT mouse was THIS big!
What the hell was that thing?!
Not it.
BIG Oops!
Because you're the oldest.
It's fun to hang out with you!
Maybe it WAS a left at Albuquerque!
nope...the men don't look any better from up here...
What I have I gotten myself into?
Through the Ups and Downs
On the up and up!
The HOW is not important..it's the WHY you should be concerned with...
OK, on the count of 3 you jump, then tell me if it's a good idea or not
uh uh...it's YOUR fault. You're the one who double-dog dared me to push him off
Oh, I forgot to tell you that I discovered you through the kitchen girls and I lLOVE this idea!!
A game of leap frog goes horribly wrong...
They were hung out to dry.
And that's why you never jump from a moving train!
Soon after this incident, trampolines were banned from these parts.
why trampolines and dresses don't mix
and this is exactly why mom usually puts ME in charge.
well MY spit pile looks like the Mona Lisa
Sundays around town
Oh no, he's coming! Quick, play dead!
Oh if only I were a pigeon - then he'd be sorry!
JUMP! (there's one in every crowd)
No don't look down!!
We are so tired, someone rescue us!!
Art by Karena
Rise above it all
Good Lord Thelma! What have you gotten us into?
I still can't get any reception.
Maybe we didn't think this through?!?
I hate Mondays
...and Jill came tumbling after
His ego looks much smaller from here
Hee hee - I keep coming back to read all the comments - people are so funny - I think this could become a recognised sport!
The people that play here are so ding-dang clever!!! Keeps me on my toes with laughing and being inspired. Thanks!!
i am on top of the world.
take a leap
'FEET FIRMLY PLANTED' is Highly overated!
"...and what's YOUR next bright idea?"
Damn! What a waste!
I told you not to drop it!
That's gonna hurt tomorrow!
Ya don't see that everyday!
You're next!
"Rock, Paper, Scissors?"
Hi miss Rachel
"Are those all single men down there?" .... :)
The Double-Dog-Dare would never be the same...
Their little "dirt piranha" prank comes back to bite 'em
Dirt piranha? Are you sure?
You DROPPED the broom?!
Seriously? WHAT were we thinking?!
Come here and say that!
What downers!
Hope for the best...prepare for the worst.
They dared to be different.
Ladies of luxury...just hanging around.
High rollers.
We're worth the wait
You want it? Come and get it!
Just one more drink, right Agnes?
Who IS that man with Mrs. Tupper?
They'll never find us!
Can you scootch over?
Drunk Girls Post
This is hysterical. Love the picture!
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