Frog Finds a Fairy (FFF) is this week's Two Dog Pond Necklace Contest Image. It's an image cropped from an old children's book.... the contest is simple and fun: You submit a suggestion {or a gazillion suggestions} for what you think would make a good caption for this image. On Friday whomever is hanging out in the Two Dog Pond Sweatshop will help me choose a winner. The winner will be promptly rewarded with a soldered glass pendant on a 24" chain. Easy Peasy! There are complete 'rules' listed to the >>> side if you need them....:::~*~:::...
Special Thanks to everyone who came to the Spring Fling on Saturday at the Liberty House in Seward!! You make me happy.
Deep Thoughts
Your wish is my command
Just one little kiss
Wishing and Hoping
Wishing and Hopping (lol)
No really, just a kiss!
Frog went a-courtin'
so close and yet so far
she wasn't asking for a prince
in her eyes he WAS a prince
Her visions of a prince croaked.
anything can happen in a book
deep secrets shared
when she said "I love you" he almost croaked. (look at his mortified face!)
Sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince.
From the new princess and the frog movie...."I don't remember anything in the fairy tale about kissing on the lips!"
Before you meet the Handsome Prince, you have to kiss a lot of toads
Missed you in Wayne this weekend - hope you had a great Saturday Sale :: lynn
I would kiss a hundred frogs if I could marry a prince.
I didn't know frogs had lips.
How about a handshake instead.
Sorry, I would really like to help you but, I don't kiss frogs.
Pucker up!
Thanks for listening my dear friend.
Is my tongue strong enough to reel her in?
Frogs have it easy. They can eat what bugs them.
Fairy Tale Lives Have Warts, Too.
Love me; warts and all.
"I didn't know he was your Fairy Prince when I ate him!"
Understanding and Compromise will always bridge the distance between two hearts.
The biggest love stories often involve a giant LEAP of faith.
"Look toad, you're living in a Fantasy Land if you think I am gonna kiss you."
"Long ago, in a faraway kingdom..."
"Life is a dream"
"once upon a time..."
"damsel in distress"
"Today was a fairytale,you were the prince"
"can you feel the magic in the air"
taylor swift
"it's a love story"
"you'll be the prince and i'll be
the princess"
taylor swift
Seriously, we'd make beautiful babies!
Toadally in Love!
I love you just the way you are.
"I'm begging you! Help me out here."
“That’s What She Said. Just a kiss will do it.”
I dare you.
You lied to me last time.
Just a little closer.
Fly fishing anyone?
I told you so.
Time "flies" when you're in love.
Hey Rachel!
The first thing that we thought of was:
"Go ahead and kiss the girl"
from Disney's The Little Mermaid
"Frog went a-courtin'" is just too cute though :)
we're not in Kansas anymore!
That's all I have to do?
Give you a kiss?
I do like the other suggestions, "Just one kiss".
I already TOAD ya, life can be FAIRY difficult!
I thought of one more last night.
Watch that tongue!
Do you believe in magic?
- I don't know why but this makes me think of that classic line in Peter Pan - do you believe in fairies? If you believe in fairies then clap your hands!
and they lived happily ever after
learn from differences
Opposites Attract
Love is a many splendored thing
Living a Fairy Tale
I see beyond your warts
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Smooch Me!
The frog prince's therapist.
Love me in spite of...
Everlasting love
VERY beautiful one, Rachel!
Have I toad you lately that I love you?
Toadal Eclipse of the Heart
I'll try anything once.
happily ever after starts right now.
can't we hold hands first?
Frog sat on first base, waiting for the obvious.
But he makes me laugh...
kiss a frog to earn your wings.
Kiss the princess NOT the fairy!
Take the leap.
It ain't easy bein' green.
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