LynnW is this week's winner with her entry of "Sometimes all we need is someone to listen." There were lots of other good suggestions, but c'mon! Frogs don't kiss fairies - they kiss Princesses. That's why I like LynnW's suggestion... Here's how I would imagine the Fairy Therapy would go:"... and after she kissed me I asked her if she would like to go back to my place and she said, "oh, can two people fit under a rock? That's right - you're not a PERSON - you're a frog! and who knows where that tongue has been?" and the conversation just got uglier from there... what am I doing wrong?" asked the frog.
"Be true to yourself and find a nice tadpolette" said the Fairy Therapist.
...anyway - Miss LynnW, please e-mail me your mailing address and i will send out your soldered glass pendant on a 24" chain!
Thanks to everyone who played! Great comments - -
Remember - If he's not a Prince the first time you kiss him, he probably never will be.
Speaking of Princesses.... Sweatshop Baby was here yesterday. Look at her grow!
...:::~*~:::...BONUS ACTIVITY...for more fun and games, go visit Birthday Girl, Leah's Blog - Moxie Photo and Design - She's giving stuff away because it's her birthday! Know what I'm giving her? On Monday, the necklace contest image is going to be her request - A Blue Wiener... I sense trouble.