The Sweatshop Girlies, Lynnie and JillyBean, requested this image for this week's contest...We used it for some Hooker pendants last week, and after they quit laughing their heads off, thought it would be perfect for all of you to compete for!! All you need to do is to brainstorm and come up with the perfect quote/comment/phrase for this image and enter it here. Enter as often as you would like as some people tend to dream about these images and come up with the perfect answer after submitting some lame-o one earlier in the day (just kidding... sometimes I just like to see if anyone really reads the entire post....)
Last week, JillyBean's Husband, Jack came up with a great quote for the contest image:
"Save a Horse, Ride a Mountie"
but failed to enter it on time.
Don't let that happen to you!!!