Congratulations to *Bernie* for her winning suggestion of "Baby its cold outside". Bernie will be receiving this cute and sparkly pendant on a 24" ball chain for her clever suggestion. There were other great ideas too - you are all quite clever and wonderful. Thank you.Bernie - please e-mail me your mailing address and I will mail you your winning necklace.
I have to apologize for this being late and for me being a delinquent was a wild week that included anesthesia and lots of soldering (not at the same time...) I'll get back on track.
There were some highlights this week too:
Garrison came over and hung out at Two Dog Pond as a reward for some very good behavior. We got out some of my tin wind-up toys.
Scootch slept quietly with her bear. Look how long her legs are already!
Rumple went ballistic over a little snake in the yard.
(it's in the lower left corner)
Life is Good.