...this is why I love where we are. This morning I took the camera with me when I went to do my chickenish chores and this is some of what I saw. Life could not be any sweeter!
{OK - if I could lose 15 pounds - then it would be even sweeter. }
{and maybe if my studio would magically clean itself....}
{and if the smell in the kitchen from me trying to fry Pioneer Woman's Zucchini Patties would just dissipate...}
The Fourth of July at the Liberty House was Excellent. Perfect weather, tons of nice people, I got to set up right by Leah and Aunt Patty from Liberty House put us in a fabulous location. Special Thanks to everyone who stopped by and chatted or purchased a necklace or earrings or the cool green mirror or anything else! You are all wonderful! Thanks for helping me to live my dream.
The earrings above are from the new brass collection I'm making. The hanging candle holders are made from bedsprings, telephone insulators and vintage chandelier crystals. I collected the makings in several states and LOVE the way they turned out.
I feel that it's my civic duty to share this lesson with anyone that takes photos. If you are going to lay in the grass and take photos of puppies {no matter how adorable they are} it's a good idea to spray your entire body with bug spray, not just your arms and legs. Thank your lucky stars that I am posting a photo of Rumple and not the itchy red chigger {pronounce 'jigger' in these here parts} bites covering my entire torsoe.
Friday is the Fourth of July...I'll be at the Liberty House out on the lawn in my tent...come out and see me! I'm trying to get lots of soldered charms done. The one below is my new favorite. I'm really loving adding brass - and putting patina on the charms - there will be lots of new images too - I've even done some collaging - ooohhhh.
Is it the dog days of summer yet? This is as close as Reese lets Rumple get to him anymore after all the tail-pulling and face-yipping. Reese is beautiful, but crabby. AND - the hay was baled (bailed?) this morning...can you smell that?
Rumple and Scootch along with my husband and I live out in the country on a peaceful acreage with a pond. I create with glass and sometimes copper, brass and silver all the livelong day. Life is good - "Living Life on the Gravel Lane"
Community Part 1
The mystery for some is that people actually have friends. When I see who
some people are friends with I am mystified as to why someone would want to
be ar...
New Branding and A New Moda Fabrics Family Member
Because I spend so much time on Instagram, a little less on my Facebook
page, and then write the occasional email newsletter, I tend to lag a bit
in blogg...
Beautiful Words
By happenstance, this morning I came across this photo that I shot before
Christmas. I had begun to play around a bit with it using some free
botanical ...
At last I have an on-line workshop
I was so happy to be invited to teach for 21 Secrets again.
*Paper, Glue, Scissors*
*There are 21 teachers and 21 diff...
The "little-known" parathyroid gland!
Hi friends, I'm writing this in the hopes that my experience can save you
from the devastating effects of an often over-looked disease.
Are you tired, i...
Holding loosely . . .
It's funny how words and phrases come to you in bunches.
As if things are being revealed.
Slowing down and paying attention are what we need when this hap...
Painting Magnolias
We have a lovely Magnolia tree in our front yard that is so inspiring and
gorgeous when it blooms. I find it hard to walk by without stopp...
Jumping Back In
It's been a busy summer for me with long periods of solitude and time to
make beads and jewelry.
I am so surprised that it's turned into a full time job fo...
Sharing some new jewelry work I have done recently. I really enjoy working
with wire, beads, and baubles. I love the thought process of putting things
Eco dying
When a fossick at the op shop yielded a cream silk dress for $1, I knew
straight away what I would do with it. I have dabbled in dying textiles
with plants...
i paint, therefore i am.
i found this chair a while back. decided to sand the wood and paint it. was
able to get it sanded on two different very nice february days. but, since
11 years ago
Rumple and Scootch
The current two dogs of Two Dog Pond
Reese and Rumple
Reese and Rumple - Click the photo to see where they were invited...