I know, I know...it's been done a million times. Plop a crown on a birds head and make him pose, but I still love it! So - this week's contest picture is this lovely bird with a crown on his head. (the crown will be quite sparkly by the time this is turned into a pendant)Now it's your turn - submit a saying, phrase, word, etc that you think would be perfect for the back side of this image. A winner will be chosen on THURSDAY instead of Friday this week and awarded with a pendant on a chain. Complete rules are posted >>>
Can you believe it's Year Two - Week One of this contest??? Me either...
Speaking of contests....

Jackie is shopping in ...:::PARIS:::... and when she gets back is having a give-a-way. All you have to do to enter is make a comment. That's what we're here for, right? So go make a comment and while you're there enjoy all the eye candy from her shop. When she gets back, she'll be giving away a present from Paris! It's the next best thing to going yourself.